China Social Media | Walmart joins E-commerce in China

Walmart joins E-commerce in China

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4 abril, 2016
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To launch a new service providing Chinese consumers access to overseas products, Walmart has launched a creative series of digital activations – with the theme of connecting local shoppers to the world.

Walmart has been in China since 1996, but has struggled to create a powerful retail foothold as it has elsewhere in the China.   To capture the new realities of Chinese shoppers – e-commerce savvy and globally focussed – Walmart has launched a new service to their China app.   Through the app, Chinese e-shoppers can buy products directly from abroad.

As well as that, the American brand has launched on confident and creative campaign on WeChat and other social platforms.

Walmart uses GIF posters (animated digital images) to showcase the brand’s global achievement in developing retail solutions for their customers.  For example, it is that Walmart ‘fills the shopping trolleys’ of consumer in 28 countries, and that their total stores have eclipsed 10,000 globally.    The series of images, replicate the mechanisms of product delivery and logistics – a powerful way to seed the idea of Walmart as a e-commerce concept.

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Walmart shows the power of their e-commerce through an Alien Story

Walmart presents aliens on Jupiter who are stuck in a line, waiting outside a Jupiterian Iphone shop, complaining that this is not ideal.  One raises the possibility of space-travel to Earth where they hear there are retail solutions faster than Jupiter.  But the space-miles involved remove it as a practical option, at which point, the brightest of the group, says they can use Jupiter wi-fi and connect to Walmart’s global e-commerce app – problem solved.

China Social Media


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