China Social Media | Ready for the 11/11 aka Single’s Day?

Ready for the 11/11 aka Single’s Day?

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10 noviembre, 2016
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The huge Single’s Day sale is approaching! E-commerce sales are a bit down this week as Chinese consumers wait to make their purchases during the big promotion. Many will prepare their shopping carts ahead of time and start buying right at 12:00am November 11.

 Anybody involved in e-commerce in China has prepared their promotions already hopefully, and is ready to reap in the benefits next Friday.
More than half of the participants (52%) said they would shop from Tmall, Alibaba’s B2C online portal, while 42% mentioned Taobao, the company’s C2C online shopping platform. The closest competitor is, in which Tencent has a 21.25% stake, because it was mentioned by 29% people. The only other e-retailor mentioned by more than 10% of surveyees was Suning (14%), which was also partly owned by Alibaba. Besides “the Big Four”, no any other e-retailers were mentioned by more than 9% of participants. Nearly 10% said they haven’t made up their mind yet.CSM China Social Media
Alibaba Group, which had gradually turned the jokingly coined festival on November 11 for single adults (because all digits for November 11 are the lonesome 1) into an online sales event, would continue to be one of the biggest beneficiaries from event, according to the survey which collected 3,248 valid answers between October 25 and 26.

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