Chinese students in Social Media: Ten years ago, Chinese students learned English in traditional ways like reading books, listening to tapes and going to English corner. It’s the digital era now! The way that Chinese students learn English has changed greatly! They are now much more inclined to learn English online. In addition to the cheap price, the most important advantage of online learning is convenience. With a computer or mobile phone, everyone is ready to learn English, and the …
Alipay Report shows growing credit spending among Chinese youth (Chinese consumers in Social Media) Definitions Before 85- Users born before 1985, or older than 32 years old Post 85 – Users born between 1985-1989, or 28-32 years old Post 90 – Users born after 1990, or younger than 27 years old (Chinese consumers in Social Media) DT Caijing and Huabei, a personal line of credit product within Alipay app (450 million users), recently released the 2017 Chinese young consumers spending …
HOW CHINESE CITIZENS USE WECHAT? Chinese social media Today, WeChat (Chinese social media) is the most useful app in Chinese virtual and digital communication landscape. It provides Chinese users seamless connection to one-stop cybernetic space equipped with all sorts of meaningful utilities of life. It’s a medium to interact, exchange and share among Chinese netizens. The popularity of WeChat (Chinese social media) has taken groundbreaking turns in China and therefore, it is an absolute “must-have” application for Chinese citizens. The interface …
China once again registered the globe’s highest annual completions of retail shopping centers in 2016, according to a recent CBRE report. The country is the most active market across the globe for construction and shopping mall development, despite fears of oversupply. The report, which explored the world’s most active shopping center markets of the past year, revealed eight Chinese cities made the top 10 list of market developments currently under construction globally, with Shenzhen and Shanghai together accounting for 40 percent of …
WeChat launches new style QR codes For Mini Programs. China social networks WeChat launched a completely new kind of QR code for China entitled Mini Program Codes (小程序码). How do the new codes work? Why are WeChat launching them? and Is WeChat copying Facebook now? How do they work? China social networks For a WeChat user the new QR codes work exactly the same as the old ones. Long press to open up the scan option from within WeChat and use the front facing camera when …
WeChat becoming a threat to Baidu in mobile search? Chinese social networks Chinese social networks WeChat has included external sources in in-app search results pages (SERP) while it previously only searches chats, WeChat Moments, and Official Accounts. Some users start to see a “news” section in the WeChat SERP which includes external news sources. The search box is on top of WeChat main user interfaces (Chats; Contacts; Discover); I conducted a search for “Jay Chou”, a very famous Taiwanese celebrity, and saw the …
Daily average video views on Sina Weibo, the leading social media in China, increased seven times year-over-year, surpassing 2 billion in the fourth quarter of 2016. Video advertising, launched in the second quarter of 2016, contributed over 10% of its total advertising revenue in the second half of the year, according to Sina Weibo. Though the total user base and usage of Twitter-like services in China began to decline in 2013, Sina Weibo regained momentum in 2016 thanks to the …
Miaopai Introduction: The 3 Basics of Getting Started – China video sharing Miaopai (秒拍) is a China short video sharing and live streaming platform in China, first launched in 2011 by Yixia Technology (一下科技). It’s China’s answer to Vine. In 2013, Miaopai and Weibo established a strategic partnership that greatly increased Miaopai’s exposure and popularity and made it the official short video provider of Weibo. When users upload videos on Weibo, a Miaopai logo will automatically appear in the upper right of the video. …
CHINA: Aibnb is forced to change his name due to the fact that China’s consumer hate it! Airbnb is now known as something different in China. On Wednesday (March 22) the home-sharing service announced it would be known as “Aibiying,” or 爱彼迎, in China. The Chinese name translates as “welcome each other with love,” a reflection of Airbnb’s mission to bring together people from communities all around the world, the company explains in a statement. It is clear that Airbnb …
Do Chinese Fashion Bloggers Have What It Takes for Luxury Brands to Succeed? Luxury fashion brands marketing to China’s affluent consumers can no doubt benefit by leveraging the huge social media followings of local fashion Chinese bloggers. However, this strategy can leave brands with more questions than answers. Investment company Exane BNP Paribas’ recent report, The Shopping Guide: Bloggers in China, which names China’s top 10 fashion bloggers, explores exactly to what extent these influencers can be helpful. The report …