The relationship which underlay and mutual support based in China is guanxi (关系). What exactly guanxi is? When we use this term we are referring to social relations based on mutual benefit. When doing business in China, you should really understand the importance of guanxi (social connections), and the terms and renqing (人情) (reciprocity) and Xinren (信任) (trust). Once introduced or introduced in the reciprocal lattice, based on trust, you have to keep in mind that you can ask …
GENERAL PICTURE OF THE 360 SPANISH FIRMS ESTABLISHED IN CHINA Sector of activity By way of a start, in what sectors are Spanish businesses operating? To answer to this question, first, a broad classification was carried out. It can be deduced that: 1. Most Spanish businesses (56%) are operating in the services sectors, such as transportation and logistics, professional services, consulting, financing, legal, quality control, advertising and other services (health, education, art, culture, etc.). 2. In the second place, …
It’s possible to reach buyers in China without doing a joint venture or opening a subsidiary. Nevertheless you must decide how you want to sell your products or services to China. Selling through a distributor A small business should find a Chinese distributor for many reasons: A distributor have an already-established network of retailers, can order larger volumes, the required importing licenses and storage facilities. This allows you to focus on making great services or products instead of building a network of retailers …
China has around 1.400 million people and in 2020 it is expected that Chinese middle class will account for 40% of the total population. Owing to the fact of its quality, design and affordability, Spanish brands have an incredible potential in the Chinese market. Over the last few years, China has become a market with a tremendous potential for the fashion industry. In 2012 the imports of fashion products rose 21% in comparison to 2011 while exports of Spanish fashion …
Las marcas españolas se consolidan en CBME Shanghai Children Baby Maternity Industry Expo es el evento de referencia en el sector de moda infantil y puericultura en Asia. La feria tuvo lugar del 22 al 24 de julio del pasado año. Ya hace un año de esto, pero es necesario remarcar la importancia del impacto de la marca España en este sector tan particular. La Asociación Española de Productos para la Infancia (ASEPRI) contribuye enormemente a reforzar las relaciones bilaterales …
CHINA IS THE SIXTH COUNTRY THAT CONSUMES MORE OLIVE OIL IN THE WORLD. Chinese consumers see Spanish olive oil as a premium and quality product that provides health benefits and this is the main reason why they purchase this product. In addition, the interest of these consumers in order to maintain a healthy diet has become a trend that has boosted sales of olive oil, which means an excellent opportunity for those Spanish olive oil companies who want to enter …
El tren de mercancías que realiza la ruta entre Madrid y la ciudad china de Yiwu, la más larga del mundo, ha partido este lunes de la capital hacia el país asiático con una carga de productos españoles entre los que figura vino, aceite y agua mineral. La ruta ferroviaria unió por primera vez las ciudades de Yiwu y Madrid el pasado mes de diciembre con la llegada a la capital de España de un tren de mercancías procedente de …